Machine Learning

Topic Replies Activity
Rectangle around the eyes? 3 September 4, 2019
Wrong testcase in this problem 3 September 4, 2019
Judge not excepting sollution 4 September 4, 2019
What is pyplot used for? 3 September 4, 2019
Replace function for Strings in Python 3 September 3, 2019
How to print line under bolts? 1 September 2, 2019
Test model score prediction 3 August 31, 2019
Doubt movie data set 3 August 31, 2019
Transfer Learning getting accuracy close to 0 1 August 30, 2019
How do we draw rectangles in face recognition video? 2 August 30, 2019
Face Detection window not quitting when pressing q 2 August 29, 2019
Submission File? 4 August 29, 2019
How KNN is used? 3 August 29, 2019
Parameters in logistic regression? 5 August 29, 2019
0's in Diabetes Dataset? 3 August 29, 2019
M.V.L.R boston house price algorithm error? 3 August 29, 2019
Gradient descent vs mini batch 3 August 29, 2019
Index error not resolving 3 August 29, 2019
Usage of the above formula? 5 August 29, 2019
Elaboration Please? 4 August 29, 2019
Code Section for this tutorial? 5 August 29, 2019
Locally Weighted Regression 3 August 29, 2019
Format of the final answer/file 3 August 29, 2019
How to install opencv in mac? 4 August 29, 2019
Implementation of Logistic regression without using bias 3 August 28, 2019
KNN Quiz doubts 3 August 28, 2019
Assignment not submitting 3 August 28, 2019
Imdb dataset not loading 3 August 28, 2019
Very less accuracy in housing price prediction using neural networks 1 August 28, 2019
Stock price prediction 5 August 28, 2019